Dr. Ryger is a national and international speaker whose work is simultaneously grounded in academic rigor, the latest research findings, and has real life applications.  From her invitation to speak at the Royal University Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, to being interviewed as an expert in Stress Reduction and Management by cardiac surgeons on Doctor Radio-Sirius Radio, to her Keynote Address at the National Alliance on Mental Illness, to her work with global financial institutions, prominent law firms, and colleges and universities, Dr. Ryger delivers highly engaging, passionate, transformative, and relatable speeches and programs.

Dr. Risa Ryger has delivered programs to prominent companies, firms, and institutions in the global financial, law, and fashion industries as well as colleges and universities, teachers, students, and teaching hospitals.  Dr. Risa Ryger can customize a workshop or seminar specifically for you and your organization, workplace, or company’s needs. 

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parent stress solutions

Parenting can be one of the most extraordinary, fulfilling experiences.  It’s also demanding in ways that are truly hard to imagine.  From newborn and infant demands to teenage and college years to adult children who have found their way back home, you may be dealing with everything from sleep deprivation to worries about children navigating independence and self-sufficiency. 

Dr. Ryger's Parenting Workshops help parents learn the tools and strategies to address modern day challenges. 

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teen stress solutions

From your home bedroom to your dorm room.  Managing stress, school performance expectations, and navigating the “friend-scape” with the pressures of being "connected" 24/7 are really tough.  Being a teenager now is not the same as it was for parents who didn’t grow up on Planet Tech. 

Dr. Ryger's Teen Workshops were designed with input by teens--by asking teens what was going on and what they needed.  And now, she brings that experience to teen audiences across the country.

Photo by LarsZahnerPhotography/iStock / Getty Images

mindfulness practices

The latest research suggests that 47 percent of the time, we have off-task thoughts during an ongoing task or activity.  "Mind wandering" is both unintentional and without awareness.  How we "show up" in our professional and personal spheres impacts our on-the-job productivity, our intimate relationships, and our ability to feel and appreciate experiences. 

Dr. Ryger's Mindfullness workshops explore the what, why, and how, and introduce techniques for increased presence so you can learn how to be there for your life. 


Neurobiology and Your Brain: Understanding How To Get The Best From It

  • Understanding your brain can impact your work, leadership skills, relationships, and sense of self-worth.  We explore the brain's neurobiology and how you can learn new information to help you make changes from the moment you leave.

The Mind-Body Connection: Interpersonal Neurobiology, the Ever-Changing Brain and How You Too Can Change

  • Understanding through the lens of Interpersonal Neurobiology, interpersonal experience is a factor that shapes the structure and function of the brain. 

Stress Reduction, Focus, and Presence – Make Today Different

  • Helps participants gain an understanding of how stress affects us both mentally and physically.  Participants learned take-away skills and practices.

Divorce and Its Impact on Children at Different Developmental Stages

  • Addresses the effects of divorce on children through a developmental lens.

Coping with Ongoing, Chronic Medical Issues

  • Ongoing medical issues can present challenges on a daily basis. 

Developing Attention, Self-Regulation, and Compassion in Our Students

  • It is often assumed that children and teens know how to do this.  These critical skills can be taught and supported.